30th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management


Call for paper

Tracks and Themes

Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management fields. Specific themes include but are not limited to:

  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Digital Transformation and Data Science
  • General Topics of Production and Industrial Engineering
  • Healthcare Management
  • Human development and digital training for operation management in emergencies
  • Humanitarian Operations Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Education 
  • Industry 4.0/5.0
  • Information Systems in Operations
  • Innovation, Product and Service Development
  • Last Mile Delivery Optimization
  • Lean and Agile Operations
  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Machine Learning 
  • Operations in the Public Sector
  • Operations Research
  • Operations Strategy Planning, Scheduling and Control
  • Project Management
  • Renewable Energy Systems and OM
  • Retail Operation
  • Quality and Reliability
  • Service Operations Management and Servitisation
  • Stochastic Inventory models and optimization
  • Supply Chain Risk Models and Resilience
  • Teaching and Learning in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
  • Total Quality Management
  • Transport System Engineering

Extended abstracts and full papers submission guidelines

  • Extended abstracts and full papers should be submitted to the Conference`s Submission Platform
  • Extended abstracts or full papers have to be submitted before the deadline. Abstract or full papers received after this date will not be evaluated and included in the Program.
  • Extended abstracts should not exceed 2 pages and full papers should not exceed 8–12 pages. A single paced full paragraph page corresponds to approximately 600-800 words. Extended abstracts or full papers exceeding the limit will be rejected.
  • All extended abstracts and papers must follow the Event template in order to be published and indexed. The version of extended abstracts or full papers for the double-blind and peer review should be saved in PDF format. The abstracts and papers should be written in English.
  • All submissions will be double-blind, peer-reviewed, and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
  • Extended abstracts and full papers will be accepted on the understanding that the original submitted manuscript has not been copyrighted, published, or accepted for presentation at any other conference.
  • After the notification of acceptance, you will need to submit the final version of your extended abstract or full paper. If you don’t submit the final version your extended abstract or full paper will not be published.
  • At least one author of the paper has to pay the Registration fee to attend the conference and publish the aproved extended abstract or full paper.Accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the Springer Book.

Paper Limit:
One person cannot submit more than 3 papers and/or abstracts as an author or co-author.


First stage submission (for blind peer review):

Second stage submission (Camera-ready version):


 Submission Process:
November, 2023 to February, 16th, 2024 Extended until February, 26th, 2024

Notification of Acceptance:

April, 23rd

Deadline for final papers:

May, 13th

Registration deadline:

May, 20th
Extended until May, 30th


All Logistics and SCM papers will go into the Track LRN Brazil


All academics, practitioners from industry or organizations, and students of innovative technology and applications linking Industrial Engineering and Operations Management theory and practice are welcome to submit extended abstracts or full papers.

By ABEPRO / ijcieom@abepro.org.br