29th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
13:00 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 – 14:30 Open session
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
14:30 – 15:30 Bidanda Bopaya (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:00 Session 1
Room D.0.1.: 37660, 37791, 37671, 37732 (Session Chair Pedro Carmona)
Room D.1.10.: 37672, 37679, 37684 (Session Chair Miguel Vieira)
Room D.1.11.: 37689, 37692, 37842, 37801 (Session Chair Diana Jorge)
09:00 – 10:00 Session 2
Room D.0.1.: 37757, 37765, 37767, 37770 (Session Chair Pedro Marques)
Room D.1.10.: 37774, 37775, 37781, 37782 (Session Chair Ricardo Mateus)
Room D.1.11.: 37797, 37811, 37814, 37819 (Session Chair Pedro Carmona)
Room D.1.12.: 37779, 37793, 37688, 37807 (Session Chair Francisco Pinto)
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 11:30 Josefa Mula Bru (UPV, Spain)
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
11:30 – 12:30 Session 3
Room D.0.1.: 37687, 37690, 37691, 37693 (Session Chair Pedro Marques)
Room D.1.10.: 37707, 37728, 37729, 37736 (Session Chair Ricardo Mateus)
Room D.1.11.: 37739, 37743, 37762, 37766 (Session Chair Pedro Carmona)
Room D.1.12.: 37731, 37772, 37755, 37785 (Session Chair Francisco Pinto)
12:30 – 14:00 Light lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Fosso Wamba Samuel (TBS Education, France)
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
15:00 – 16:00 Special Session – Open Access Journals: Advantages and Risks
Round Table: João Reis, Francisco Gaudêncio, TBD
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 17:30 Session 4
Room D.0.1.: 37820, 37828, 37829, 37697 (Session Chair Francisco Pinto)
Room D.1.10.: 37708, 37716, 37719, 37840 (Session Chair Miguel Vieira)
Room D.1.11.: 37746, 37748, 37730, 37694 (Session Chair Diana Jorge)
19:30/22:00 – Social Dinner* (Bar closes at midnight)
Mensagem Restaurant. Address: Rua da Oliveira ao Carmo, 8, 1200-309, Lisbon
From 7.30 pm to 10 pm.
*Only the dinner is included in the conference
09:00 – 10:00 Session 5
Room D.0.1.: 37726, 37740, 37734 (Session Chair Luis Malheiro)
Room D.1.10.: 37701, 37709, 37676 (Session Chair Adriane Cavalieri)
Room D.1.11.: 37667, 37678, 37686 (Session Chair Francisco Gaudêncio)
Room D.1.12.: 37710, 37825, 37823, 37703 (Session Chair Maria Silene Alexandre Leite)
10:00 – 11:00 Session 6
Room D.0.1.: 37830, 37837, 37839, 376661 (Session Chair Luis Malheiro)
Room D.1.10.: 37798, 37802, 37810, 37816 (Session Chair Adriane Cavalieri)
Room D.1.11.: 37834, 37836, 37718, 37827 (Session Chair Francisco Gaudêncio)
Room D.1.12.: 37771, 37776, 37790, 37806 (Session Chair Raphael Vidal)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 Keynote Douglas Kent (ASCM, USA)
Place: Auditorium Agostinho da Silva
12:30 – 13:00 Awards & Closing Session
The social event will take place on June 29th, 2023, between 7.30 pm -10 pm in one of the most emblematic restaurants in Lisbon.
The “Mensagem” restaurant located at the Pessoa Hotel 4* has a rooftop overlooking the city and the castle of São Jorge.
Address: R. da Oliveira ao Carmo 8, 1200-309 Lisbon.
The restaurant is very peculiar in terms of space, having tables and niches as the photos show. Therefore, participants can be distributed around a central table or in clusters according to their networking needs.
The IJCIEOM23 social event ends at 10 pm, however, participants will still have access to the outdoor space which will be open until 11.30 pm.
If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, please contact the conference through official means.
Click here to download the final programme.
Bopaya Bidanda is currently the Ernest E. Roth Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He also serves as the Director of the Center for Industry Studies. He returned to the faculty in 2021 after 21+ years as Department Chair. He also served as Director of the Manufacturing Assistance Center that helped underserved communities develop manufacturing skills. Recent books include the Business of Humanity (Routledge Press), Virtual Prototyping & Bio-manufacturing in Medical applications, 2nd Edition (Springer), The Evolution of Project Management (PMI Press), and the Maynard Industrial & Systems Engineering Handbook, Sixth Edition that serves as the definitive body of knowledge for industrial engineering. He is also the Immediate Past President of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE), the largest and oldest professional society representing the discipline.
Josefa Mula is Professor of the Department of Business Management at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). She is a member of the Research Centre in Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP) of the UPV. Her teaching and research interests focus on production engineering and management, operations research and supply chain optimisation and simulation. She is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. She regularly serves as an associate editor, guest editor, member of scientific committees of international journals and conferences, and as a reviewer of scientific journals. She is co-author of more than 120 articles published in international books and high-quality journals. Currently, she is UPV Coordinator of the European project “Social and hUman ceNtered XR” (SUN), (HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-14) (101092612).
Dr. Samuel Fosso Wamba is a Full Professor in Informations Systems and Data Science and the Associate Dean for Research at TBS Education, France. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at The University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He earned his Ph.D. in industrial engineering at the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. His current research focuses on information technology’s business value, adoption of inter-organizational systems, use and impacts, supply chain management, electronic commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence for business, social media, business analytics, big data, and metaverse for business. He is among the 2% of the most influential scholars globally based on the Mendeley database, which includes 100,000 top scientists for 2020, 2021, and 2022. He ranks in ClarivateTMs 1% of most cited scholars in the world for 2020, 2021, and 2022 and in CDO Magazine’s Leading Academic Data Leaders 2021. Finally, he has been ranked the 4th Best Business and Management Scientist in France for 2023 by