29th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management fields. Specific themes include but are not limited to:
Paper Limit:
One person cannot submit more than 3 papers and/or abstracts as an author or co-author.
First stage submission (for blind peer review):
Second stage submission (Camera-ready version):
IJCIEOM_2023_Article_Final_Submission + Springer_Licence to Publish_Proceedings + Affiliation form + Research-Permission-Template-EN (to articles that use original figures from others published articles. To avoid copyright issues we suggest that the figures be original or adapted, in this case the authors are not obliged to fill/deliver in this Word file).
Template for presentation:
Submission Process:
October 24th, 2022 until January 15th, 2023
Extended until February 1st, 2023
Notification of Acceptance:
March, 6th
Deadline for final papers:
April 12th
Registration deadline:May 20th
Extended until May 31st
All academics, practitioners from industry or organizations, and students of innovative technology and applications linking Industrial Engineering and Operations Management theory and practice are welcome to submit extended abstracts or full papers.